Hi guys!
I had a friend pose with me for a couple of photos, for a lil romantic feel.
He's super hot so the photos came out great, ofcourse!
I thought I would do Strawberry Singhs 20 Personal SL Questions Meme, so here it goes!
- When and how did you discover Second Life? – I discovered it in August 2008 through a talk with my brother. He actually told me about a friend of his that had tried out SL and got raped by a horse (LOL!). I thought it sounded so weird and just had to check it out, cuz it sounded so impossible to me.
- Did you know about virtual worlds before or was this your first experience with them? – I had heard about them before, but never been in one.
- Has Second Life met your expectations? –I didn't really have any expectations, and from what my brother told me, I never thought I would stay in SL at all. I mean, people randomly raped by horses? Sounds horrible, doesn't it?
- If you could teleport back to the first ten minutes of your avatar’s slife, what would you tell yourself? –Don't get into vampire stuff, it's just a bunch of drama.
- How long did it take you to master avatar flying and driving vehicles inworld? –Probably took a while.. Still havn't mastered vehicles though, I never use them.
- Do you have a mystery alt? – A few, but I never use them!
- Is your SL avatar a reflection of you, or someone you wished you could be? – Well, she somewhat have similar taste as the real life me, I often have brown eyes in SL, as I do in RL. Same with piercings. But other than that, no not really, I just try to make my avatar as pretty as possible with the newest stuff on the grid.
- Is there an individual you met in SL that inspired you in your RL? How? – I would like to say yes, but I can't think of how someone inspired me in RL. I have met alot of wonderful friends though, and I am incredibly thankful for that.
- Do you feel it is easier to create stronger bonds/relationships with people you meet inworld as opposed to the real world? –Yes, I do! And the only reason is that there is a log out button that I can press if I want to be alone, I really want that feature in RL.
- Did you ever imagine or believe people could fall in love with someone they never met before Second Life? –Yes, it has happen to me through other internet media before Second Life, so I knew it was very possible!
- How has your perspective of dating changed (or not) since you started playing second life? – I don't think it has changed at all, other than that I am more careful with who I let into my life and not. Somehow it seems easier for people to hurt you online than in RL. Never forget there's a real person behind the screen, people!
- How has your perspective of employment changed (or not) since you started playing second life? –Not changed at all, I think.
- Name three things in both your lives that overlap each other significantly. –Well.. This is a hard one. Friendships with people overlap significantly aswell as creativity and I try (at times) to make a living out of SL.
- If you could live your life more immersively in a virtual world, would you? (Kind of like the Matrix) – Hmm.. Possibly, yes!
- How do you think behavior changes for people if they’re inworld vs in real world? Why do you think that is? – I think for some people it does indeed. It's easier to play a character or just to show your positive sides inworld. But most of the time I have seen this is when men try to act like a casanova to get alot of women.
- How has second life consumerism changed your perception of spending habits, the value of money, the need to be “bleeding edge” with fashion? –I wish it had! Haha. I spend way more in SL than in RL though, I am quite careful shopping in RL, but not in SL. I really need to try more demos before spending in SL.
- Do you think virtual worlds like SL drive and redefine human interaction or do they narrow and limit it? –I think it drive and redefine human interactions. Inworld you meet people from all over the world and learn alot of new things, interact with people you perhaps never would speak to in RL.
- If technology progressed tomorrow to allow you to send emotions to people the way you’d send text or voice messages, would it enrich your SL experience or infringe on it? – I think it would enrich it alot! It would be alot easier to read into someone if it was possible.
- Name three skills you attribute to having learned or honed in second life alone. – How to manage a business, I have learned alot more photoshop skills.. I cant think of the third, DOH!
- If your grand kids googled your Second Life Avatar’s name, would they be intrigued, disgusted, proud or something else? – Oh dear lord. I hope that will never happen and that it's long gone before I get grand kids! But I do think (or hope!) they would appreciate the beauty in my pictures.
Style Card:
Skin: Lara Hurley-Ivy Pale for TheShops
Hair: *booN MMK375 hair black
Dress: R.icielli - KIA Mesh Spiked Dress / Black
Piercing: .ARISE. Chess Septum / Light Silver
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